Jaylab pro's leptisense review

When your metabolic hormones stabilize, as mine have, those "common health problems" vanish.

15 min readDec 8, 2020

… the weight gain, the sleep problems, the cravings, and the mood swings …

… That's right — all of these complaints can be traced back to your hormones.

The maddening part about that is that none of my doctors ever tied my health issues to their common cause.

And how could they?

Much of the research regarding hormones is NEW and completely counter to what most doctors were taught - which was the "calories in, calories out" method for weight loss.

And then penny-pinching insurance companies only give doctors 10-15 minutes per patient … leaving little time for diagnosis that doesn't come from a piece of software.

Even worse, the greedy pharmaceutical companies use every angle available (including juicy kickbacks) to encourage doctors to shove more and more pills down your throat. Pills which do next to nothing to restore your natural metabolic balance.

I was sick and tired of feeling likeBig Pharma's guinea pig.

And while some people need medications to survive, most of us don't have to alter our bodies with synthetic franken-pills in order to reinvigorate our health.

Nor must they radically change their diet to experience life to the fullest because they, and maybe even you, are a lot like me.

You refuse to believe you deserve permanent deprivation because you're carrying a few extra pounds.

And it's okay. Normal, even. And you're 100% right.

Let's face it - fad diets aren't long-term ways to eat or live.

And yet every year creative, money-hungry advertisers come up with new foods to shame you about. First it was fat. Then sugar. Then meat. Then everything but meat. Then fruit and nuts only. Then raw. Then no raw.

It's crazy, isn't it?

Fortunately, I didn't have to give up any food groups to gain my sleeker body.

(Although I did have to give up dieting… which I'll tell you about in just a few minutes when I talk about that "what not to do" list I mentioned earlier.)

That's right — my miraculous transformation to a slimmer me didn't require radically changing the contents of my plate.

Now I eat better because my body craves healthy food.

And this secret is what most of those skinny diet and fitness peddlers never told me. (And they may not even know themselves.)

Your body is programmed to crave unhealthy junk food when three essential hormones are disrupted.

And if you're carrying around at least 15 pounds of fat around your waist, hips, thighs, or butt…

… then you are almost certainly experiencing an imbalance of these three hormones.

So What Should You Do?

I'll share that in a moment - it's the "one thing" I mentioned earlier.

Do it and your body will crave healthy foods, in healthy amounts, and will release its stored fat in response.

But please, for your own well-being - do NOT try to change your eating habits right now …

… just do this one thing I'll share with you in a few minutes and let your body renew itself.

It can, once you soothe the internal chaos …


It’s NOT your fault your metabolism is "broken"...

You didn't create this stress-filled modern world. And you didn't one day "decide" to be sick, fat, and tired with a messed up metabolism.

Who’d choose that?
No one I know, that’s for sure.

So with your permission, I’d like to introduce you to the man who shared that "one thing" with me almost a year ago…

His name is Jayson Hunter.

Here's what's really compelling about Jayson…

He's not one of those guys whose only credentials are that he lost weight himself. And he's not a fitness model who's living off sponsorships and back-end deals.

Jayson's expertise is based on nearly two decades of experience helping transform lives as an in-the-trenches registered dietitian and "nutrition hacker."

He's unwaveringly passionate about serving the women and men struggling to lose weight...

… and he's relentless about discovering the TRUTH about nutrition. Not what the textbooks or advertisers say works, but what research and real people prove works.

And it's thanks to his dogged pursuit of results that he discovered an almost miraculous solution for those with "broken" metabolisms.

It all started with the wrong major and a printing job.

In college, Jayson thought he wanted to be a physical therapist.

Yet it was in his day job where he discovered the passion that would change my life - and possibly yours, too.

During his first year of college he worked as a printer at a big printing press.

While he waited for the machine to run, he'd flip through magazines. In one magazine he read an article about how what you eat can radically sculpt your body.

Jayson was so fascinated by the power of nutrition to change lives that the very next day he changed his major to dietetics.

And that article stuck with him as he dove deep into personal nutrition and the natural alternatives available…

And the more he studied, the more he discovered a startling secret:
There’s a direct connection between your hormones and how you look, feel, and move.

And no amount of diet or exercise will have the same impact on your overall health as fixing three critical hormones.

It's so strong that many people can't drop much weight until they fix these 3 hormones.

It's also why some people can practically starve themselves and still gain, and gain, and gain...

... while others can eat like a horse and look as trim and toned as ever.

I'll share Jayson's discovery in moment. But first …

Let me share with you the insult that changed my life ...and put me in direct contact with Jayson:

As I mentioned earlier, I'm a working mom from Utah.

I'm blessed to have my dream job as a nurse. Ever since I read a story about Florence Nightingale in elementary school, I knew my destiny lied in healthcare.

I even remember, as a teenager, begging my parents to let me hog the downstairs TV for one night a week to watch ER. I'd wrap myself in my favorite purple blanket and drink hot cocoa while I imagined breathlessly running alongside gurneys, saving people's lives.

As fate would have it, this very dream would save my life.

About a year ago, I was working at a local family doctor office. We saw mostly adults, but also a few kids and teens, and …

It was a busy Monday in November right before Thanksgiving.

I remember, because on that day I wore these kitschy Thanksgiving-themed scrubs which rubbed in all the wrong places, causing thin spots in the fabric that let in cold air.

And around 9am that day, a patient named Chris came in. Chris was a 40-year old who acted perpetually 19.

A true "rebel" type.

And this oversized rebel had a few inches of spare tire above his belt, which he tried to hide with his black leather jacket. (It was so 90s it even had those fringes across the back.)

And the routine when patients came in was that we'd check their vitals first... including weight.

That office didn't have an electronic scale, so I had to use one of those loud mechanical ones with the slides indicating weight.

So as Chris faced the numbers I slid the metal weight across the bar … clank, clank, clank… until it balanced at 195.

No small amount considering Chris was barely over 5 feet tall.

Then I said how much he'd gained since his last visit and how that weight gain put him at risk for diabetes.

Now most respond to their weight something like, "I'm on a see-food diet," or some other funny, self-deprecating statement to lighten the mood.

Not Chris.

He looked straight in my eyes and loudly snarked,

"At least I'm not a fat hypocrite like you."

The words resonated through the air like a thunderbolt.

Everyone around us stopped what they were doing and stared.

I heard a few whispers of shock and even a giggle …

… and all I wanted to do was crawl under a rock and die!

Once I'd gotten over the horror of his bold statement, my first thought was indignation.

How dare he project his insecurities onto me?

But who was I kidding? My brightly-patterned scrub set couldn't hide my puffy cheeks and bulging curves. Nor could it hide the fact that everything, including walking, was getting tougher.

I hadn't gained just a "few" pounds. I'd gained forty.

And no matter what I was doing, nothing halted the spread.

Between you and me, I've tried everything under the sun to lose weight. I even bought that "Hollywood Miracle" diet juice advertised in the back of magazines.

Despite the claims, nothing "melted" fat, slimmed my hips, or even came close to making me feel like a hot supermodel.

And while it was comforting to know that my husband still thought I looked sexy, I wanted to feel sexy.

And frankly, I was sick and tired of getting snide or patronizing comments about my weight...

...instead of the respect and recognition I deserved as a hardworking nurse, mom, and wife.

I vowed that day that I’d finally figure out why I wasn’t losing weight.

As gossip goes, news of my incident spread across the office like a wildfire.

So I wasn't surprised when a skinny coworker pulled me aside in the parking lot.

And do you know what she did?

She pressed a worn business card in my hand. On it was a name: Jayson Hunter.

"What's this?" I asked.

"This was my lifeline — and now it's yours," she said and walked to her car.

It was puzzling at the time, but little did I know how right she was!

I figured I had nothing to lose but the weight, so I booked the soonest appointment possible.

It was not long after Thanksgiving when I sat in front of him and told him everything I'd tried to lose weight...

...and all the other frustrating health complaints plaguing me.

I said, "Jayson, I know what you're going to say, and trust me, I know I could be doing more. Maybe I'm just doomed to keep this weight now that I'm over 30, had kids, and …"

"Stop right there, Deborah. NO ONE deserves to stay unhealthy."

Those words shook me to the core.

How do you feel about those words?

Have you ever felt "fated" to keep the pounds … forever lacking the energy, vitality, and longevity you deserve?

If so, the good news you'll hear in just a few minutes will be nothing short of life-changing, so keep reading...

Jayson continued:

"The first thing I suggest to those with diet-resistant body fat is always the same. It's one thing, twice a day, and it's the fastest way I've found to restore your metabolism …

...and even increase its effectiveness beyond what you ever experienced before …"

One thing? That's it?

I almost laughed at how simple his request was.

Of course I can do one thing … and so can anyone…

"So what's the secret?"

Jayson walked over to his bookshelf and pulled out a large vinyl record, which he handed to me. "Do you recognize this song?"

On the cover was an image of a domed building against an orange sunset, surrounded by tall palm trees. Two blue cursive words were emblazoned on the bottom:

Hotel California.

"Sure, almost everyone knows the Eagles," I said, "But what does that have to do with weight loss?"

"Before I tell you the one thing, you have to understand three essential hormones."

I was puzzled. "What do hormones have to do with Hotel California?"

He smiled.

"To make this complex relationship between hormones a little clearer, imagine for a moment that your metabolism is a hotel.

And that hotel has a limited number of rooms. Those rooms are your fat cells.

What else is there in a hotel?"

I thought for a moment. "The guests?"

"Right! So let's pretend those guests are fat, which is just energy stored in your fat cells. Like a hotel which needs hotel guests to function, you need energy to breathe, move, and enjoy life to the fullest."

"What else is there?"

"What about room keys?" I offered.

"Bingo!" he said, "That's your insulin. Insulin unlocks the doors of your cells so it can use the energy you eat."

I'd read about insulin in nursing school. It's produced by a 6-inch organ behind the stomach called the pancreas, and…

Without insulin, your body starves to death.

Jayson continued, "Your body doesn't want extra fat circulating through your veins any more than a hotel wants random people roaming the halls.

So to keep the numbers down, your body acts like a good hotel and gives guests room keys once they've paid, which again is how your insulin acts when your body says you need a little more energy."

"So far so good?" He asked.

I gave the thumbs up and he continued.

"And as the rooms fill up, the system sends feedback to the hotel manager that says:

"Hey, we're done here! No more!"

"That's what your fat cells do when they expand: They send signals to your brain by way of a hormone called leptin to tell the brain how much fat is in your body...

...which causes you to feel less hungry and to start burning fat instead of storing it."

"But here’s where things start to break down."

"First, as you age you have more stressors. I bet you have a few of those, Deborah."

I chuckled. Boy, did I ever!

First there was my busy job… then the shuttling kids around… and then taking care of family members and trying to obtain my dream job in an ER…

Not to mention that the world is figuratively and literally "on fire" …

Jayson said, "All of those things contribute to higher levels of stress.

And that constant stress causes cravings for junk food, which of course causes weight gain."

Which means …

Everyday stressors in your life aren't just something you deal with — they're sabotaging your health!

Jayson continued, "And constant stress releases a hormone called cortisol."

"So let's imagine there's now a guy in a suit with a financial report in his hands screaming, "We need more sales!" as he roughs up the other staff members and throws keys at random guests.

That's cortisol causing internal panic and raising your hormone levels — making your body less able to respond to insulin and leptin."

That statement resonated with me.

Have you ever had days where it feels like nothing was going right?

Where your skin is freaking out, your mood is up and down, every irritation drives you nuts, and your hunger is bad enough to be worthy of a Snickers commercial?

I have, which is why hearing what Jason was saying was so powerful for me.

It wasn't that I wasn't able to cope anymore — it was that cortisol was running amok! And that meant hope was on the horizon.

Then Jayson said,

"So now imagine to prevent lock jamming caused by all the keys being thrown out, there's another guy with a bucket running around scooping up all the keys while damaging every wall, door, and surface he comes across.

That's what happens when your body compensates for extra leptin by increasing other chemicals (such as an inflammatory marker called c-reactive protein, or CRP)."

CRP clings to extra leptin and wreaks havoc on your internal organs, making you feel sick and tired.

"CRP is also a flag which tells doctors you're at risk for heart attacks and other life-threatening illnesses.

And this binding by CRP lowers your leptin levels so that your body doesn't realize how much body fat you have."

"The lowered leptin also makes your metabolism slow down and your appetite increase...

… just as it would if your body fat percentage was low."

In real life, that means …

"Your brain thinks you’re starving!"

You feel hungry all the time, even when you've eaten enough.

Jayson continued,

"So in that imaginary hotel, the computer system doesn't know which rooms are full or empty, so it just shoves guests into every room like a perverse clown car where no one ever gets released."

Which is why, when your hormones aren't balanced, it's like…

Hotel California for your fat!

I sat back in my chair and let it all sink in.

The reason why none of my weight loss efforts worked …

… including cardio and low carb…

… was because my metabolism was broken on a cellular level?

When I realized that, I felt such a wave of relief.

It's exactly what I'd long suspected, but could never confirm …

Weight Loss Programs Only Work When Your Hormones are Balanced

Which is why Jayson's "one thing" isn't a miracle diet or exercise program.

Because until you get your hormones under your control, a diet isn't going to be nearly as effective as it should be. Meaning you torture yourself for nothing.

Hormones are the reason weight loss programs work like magic for some...

… yet don't make a darn bit of difference for others.

And why it takes some people (especially those over 35) several months before they begin to see real results.

So if you're at least 15 pounds overweight …

You definitely want your hormones to be balanced ASAP … and in the right way.

Jayson went on to tell me about his solution and how it's completely different than a lot of other products out there…

Products which may contain some of the same hormone-balancing ingredients, but in lower quality and with other harmful additions.

I'm going to share his solution in a moment …

And I promise not to be too technical or boring ...

... just the important stuff you need to know today, right now, to help YOU in your path to the body you deserve …

There's a reason everyone from the FDA to Harvard Medical School is looking at these three hormones….

These three are the hormonal trifecta behind getting and maintaining your ideal weight.

So it makes sense that any ingredient which manages these three hormones is going to be studied with intense interest.

The first ingredient Jayson discovered was a …

Plant-based combo that not only reduces leptin....it reduces body fat, too

The first ingredient in the metabolism supporting trio is Lepticore®, which is a proprietary formula made of 6 ingredients, including plant-based polysaccharides, beta carotenes, and blue-green algae. And it works to balance leptin, the very hormone you need to start releasing body fat.

In one study, researchers found that a specific group of naturally-occurring micronutrients and antioxidants…

Made from fruit combined with extracts from pomegranates, high quality blue-green algae, and a few other health-improving substances …

… helped obese men and women lose almost 15 pounds in 8 weeks without changing anything on their plate.

And remember CRP, that crazy protein which binds to leptin and is a flag for cardiovascular disease?

This combination lowered CRP too.

Together, these ingredients are called "Lepticore®" and it's been used safely for years to balance the metabolism and promote wellness …

… so you lose stored body fat and reduce your odds of getting weight-related diseases like heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

In one study[17], researchers decided to pit Lepticore® against 12 "flags" of a healthy metabolism, such as body fat, body weight, waist size, HDL, LDL, and CRP.

Now you've heard of the placebo effect, right? If not, the skinny on it is that most drugs are tested against their effectiveness against your own mind's power to heal itself. And unfortunately, many ingredients tests just aren't up to snuff.

Unless you're talking about Lepticore®.

In that 8-week study, the participants didn't follow any diet or exercise plan yet lost up to 11.5 pounds, up to 2.8% body fat, lost 1.8" off their waist, and lost 1.7" off their hips. They also lowered their total cholesterol by up to 18%, their triglycerides by up to 7.1%, and lowered their CRP by up to 15.1%.

All that scientific jargon is to say it worked fantastically -- even without diet and exercise.

And that placebo effect? It didn't come close to Lepticore®.

So if Elizabeth had taken part in this study and weighed 150 pounds, she'd have lost up to 11.5 pounds and reduced every measure of "bad health" doctors look for in those annual checkups.

For many people, that's enough of a difference to be life changing.

Like it was for Sherry, a 41-year-old mother of three, full time employee, and devoted wife. Sherry was shocked when she lost 2.5 inches off her stomach … and 5.25 off her body — in only 4 weeks — unlike the 8-week study mentioned above.

"I was shocked when I lost 2.5 inches from my waist in just 4 weeks!"

I am a mother of 3 kids, work full-time and suffer from thyroid disease. Over the years I have tried countless number of diets and I could just never get the weight off. I always blamed my thyroid and pretty much gave up.

I eat healthy, but nothing ever seems to work. I started taking LeptiSense and continued with my healthy diet and I was shocked when I lost 2.5 inches from my waist in just 4 weeks and 1.5 inches from my thighs.

Oh, I should mention I have a chronic foot injury that prevents me from doing cardio such as running or even consistent walking. I did work out a few times during the 4 weeks with a kettlebell. I am starting my 2nd bottle of LeptiSense so I can lose the rest of my belly fat."

Click here to BuY Now!!!!

And, remember, all of these results are without diet and little or no exercise.

If all these people can transform their bodies this fast, just imagine what you can do! Read more!!!!




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